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Waterfall Shower Sex Position - Ignight Me

Waterfall Shower Sex Position

How to do the Waterfall Oral Shower Sex Position!


What is it? 

To master this the Waterfall Oral Shower Sex position, the partner receiving oral sex should stand with their legs spread apart, while the partner performing oral sex kneels between their legs. If the receiving partner feels stable enough (or if there's a ledge or windowsill to hold onto), they can wrap one leg around their partner's shoulder or neck, drawing them in closer for clitoral pressure or scrotum stimulation. All the while, the warm shower water cascades over both of you (hint: that’s where the waterfall aspect comes into play). Encourage your partner to switch roles, allowing them to experience pleasure as well. If you're new to it, oral sex in the shower is incredibly pleasurable. 



If you own a detachable shower head, it's time to make the most of it. Position the person receiving oral sex in a comfortable and stable stance. This might involve standing on both feet, leaning against a wall, or wrapping one foot around their partner. Then, the other partner can lower themselves to deliver some seriously tantalizing shower head action.


If the partner performing oral sex has a vulva, they can use the shower head to stimulate their clitoris while attending to their partner. If they have a penis, they can use the shower head to tease their genitals—or provide additional stimulation to their partner. Trust us, the shower head can work wonders—and reach all the right spots. Plus, cleanup in the shower is a breeze!


Add this:

If you want to spice up the Waterfall Oral Sex position, try using any of our oral stimulators or throat desensitisers to enhance your partner play. 


Ignight more:

Want to further ignight the Waterfall Oral Sex position? Try incorporating any of our waterproof toys to enhance the stimulation. Thinking about giving rimming a go? The shower ensures an easy clean before the fun can begin! Spice up your shower sex and give the Waterfall Oral Sex position a try today!


Now you know how to do the Waterfall Oral Shower Sex position, stay tuned for our next position to try!


Watch our Top 5 Sex Shower Positions - take the challenge on YouTube click here!


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