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Soggy Doggy Shower Sex Position - Ignight Me

Soggy Doggy Shower Sex Position

How to do the Soggy Doggy Shower Sex Position!


What is it? 

The Soggy Doggy shower sex position is really just a twist on Doggy style sex. Doggy style is a popular choice for many individuals when it comes to shower sex. While most adaptations of this position are feasible, standing up offers the advantage of deep penetration while being gentler on the knees compared to kneeling.


To execute this position, one partner should bend over, ideally with their hands grasping a shower bar, placed on the floor, or braced against the wall for stability depending on their flexibility. The other partner enters from behind, holding onto the hips of the receiving partner for support. 



The juxtaposition of warm water trickling down your skin against the cool tiles amplifies your body's sensual reaction. The doggy style position combines deep, front wall penetration with easy access to the clitoris and G-spot for direct and constant stimulation. Additionally, the penetrating partner may opt to grasp the receiving partner's hands or wrists for added intimacy and control. You can control how wet you want to get by opting to face towards or away from the shower spray. In any case, the penetrating partner is in for a captivating view!


Add this:

If you want to spice up the Soggy Doggy Shower Sex position further try using any of our to silicone-based lubricant to enhance your partner play. When engaging in shower sex, it's important to use a silicone-based lubricant. Silicone lubricants are water-resistant and won't wash away easily in the shower, providing smoother and more comfortable sexual activity. Avoid using oil-based lubricants as they can make the shower floor slippery and potentially dangerous. Additionally, water-based lubricants may not last long in the water and may require frequent reapplication.


Ignight more:

Want to further ignight the Soggy Doggy Shower Sex position? Try one of our Pivot Deluxe Doggie Strap or pop in an anal toy for extra stimulation! Just remember you can’t use silicone-based lubricants on silicon sex toys. Spice up your shower sex and give the Soggy Doggy Shower Sex position a try today!


Now you know how to do the Soggy Doggy Shower Sex position, stay tuned for our next position to try!


Watch our Top 5 Sex Shower Positions - take the challenge on YouTube click here!


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