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Standing Missionary Shower Sex Position - Ignight Me

Standing Missionary Shower Sex Position

How to do the Shower Dance Sex Position!


What is it? 

In this Standing Missionary Shower sex position, both partners face each other, allowing for a deeper connection as penetration occurs, drawing their bodies together for increased stability and sensuality. The partner doing the penetrating can also enhance leverage by resting a foot on the shower seat or edge of the bathtub if you're not using a walk-in shower.



The Standing Missionary position might not be groundbreaking, but when it comes to shower sex, it's not just about reaching orgasm—it's about safety and enjoyment too. This position can be fantastic for couples in the shower, especially when there's plenty of suds or lube involved. With your bodies slick and sliding against each other, it creates friction that can lead to an intense, full-body orgasm.


Add this:

If you want to spice up the Standing Missionary Shower Sex position further try using any of our to silicone-based lubricant to enhance your partner play. When engaging in shower sex, it's important to use a silicone-based lubricant. Silicone lubricants are water-resistant and won't wash away easily in the shower, providing smoother and more comfortable sexual activity. Avoid using oil-based lubricants as they can make the shower floor slippery and potentially dangerous. Additionally, water-based lubricants may not last long in the water and may require frequent reapplication.


Ignight more:

Want to further ignight the Standing Missionary Shower Sex position? If the individual with a vulva is finding it difficult to achieve clitoral stimulation, introducing a waterproof cock ring can be a solution! Just remember you can’t use silicone-based lubricants on silicon sex toys. Spice up your shower sex and give the Standing Missionary Shower Sex position a try today!


Now you know how to do the Standing Missionary Shower Sex position, stay tuned for our next position to try!


Watch our Top 5 Sex Shower Positions - take the challenge on YouTube click here!


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