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Upside Down Head or Giraffe Oral Sex Position - Ignight Me

Upside Down Head or Giraffe Oral Sex Position

How to do the Upside Down Head or Giraffe Oral Sex position!


What is it? 

This position can be referred to as either Upside Down Head or The Giraffe Oral Sex position. The giver lies on their back, positioning their head off one side of the bed, while the recipient stands beside the bed and adjusts their position for oral contact. The supine partner retains control over the depth, angle, and pace of penetration to ensure comfort. Referred to as the Giraffe, this stance involves reclining with the head hanging off the bed's edge. The partner stands in front, leaning over to align their genitals with the receiver's mouth. This posture may be more straightforward with a male recipient due to the angle, but it's adaptable for anyone.



Performing oral sex in an upside-down position not only enhances the ease of deep throating by elongating and relaxing the throat but also provides your partner with effortless access to caress your breasts or nipples. This thrilling oral sex position appeals to both exhibitionists and voyeurs, making it an exciting experience that transcends gender restrictions.


Add this:

If you want to spice up the Giraffe Oral Sex position further try using any of our oral throat sprays to enhance your partner play. 


Ignight more:

Want to further ignight the Giraffe Oral Sex position? Try adding a stimulator or cockring depending on what your partner likes! Spice up your oral sex and give the Giraffe Oral Sex position a try today!


Now you know how to do the Giraffe Oral Sex position, stay tuned for our next position to try!


Watch our Top 6 Oral Sex Positions - Ignight your passion on YouTube click here!


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