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Standing Oral Sex Position - Ignight Me

Standing Oral Sex Position

How to do the Standing Oral Sex position!


What is it? 

The person performing the action kneels in front of their partner who stands with legs spread apart or with one leg raised on a step, elevated surface, or even over the shoulder of the kneeling individual. Do this against a wall for greater support and balance.



Traditionally, this upright sexual position has often been portrayed in movies with the male receiving and the female giving. However, when a male partner engages in oral sex on a female while standing, it challenges traditional gender roles, provides an interesting perspective, and allows for exploration of new angles for stimulation. Naturally, this standing position is equally suitable and enjoyable for same-sex couples.


Add this:

If you want to spice up the Standing Oral Sex position further try using any of our oral throat sprays to enhance your partner play. 


Ignight more:

Want to further ignight the Standing Oral Sex position? Try adding a stimulator or cockring depending on what your partner likes! Spice up your oral sex and give the Standing Oral Sex position a try today!


Now you know how to do the Standing Oral Sex position, stay tuned for our next position to try!


Watch our Top 6 Oral Sex Positions - Ignight your passion on YouTube click here!


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