Standing Wheelbarrow Position: How to do the Standing Wheelbarrow position
Standing Wheelbarrow Position: How to do the Standing Wheelbarrow position!
What is it?
The Standing Wheelbarrow position is an advanced sexual position that requires strength and coordination from both partners. The partner receiving takes on a downward-facing dog position. The partner doing the penetrating, while standing, raises one leg of the receiving partner at a time, encircling them around their waist, and then proceeds to insert their penis or strap-on.
This position is a bit more advanced, offering a unique experience for those exploring different sexual positions. It can result in a powerful prostate orgasm for men engaging in anal sex or intense G-spot stimulation for individuals with vulvas. The receiving partner needs a significant amount of shoulder and arm strength. Consider having a chair nearby or performing this by the bed so that the standing partner can sit, making the position less physically demanding while still allowing for deep penetration.
Add this:
If you want to spice up the sexual position Wheelbarrow further try adding a cock ring to enhance your partner play. Remember lube is your friend!
Ignight more:
Want to further ignight the sexual position Wheelbarrow? Try adding some G-Spot stimulation gel!
Now you know how to do the sexual position Wheelbarrow, stay tuned for our next position to try!
Watch our Sizzling Standing Sex Positions - Ignight your passion on YouTube click here!
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