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Not another sleezy sex toy shop! - Ignight Me

Not another sleezy sex toy shop!

Introducing “Ignight Me”; The-go-to sex shop where class, education, and fun equally intersect 

As you know, I am a great advocate of bedroom fun. Whether with your spouse, sexual partners or by yourself, the incredible things you will find at “Ignight me” are bound to hit the spot, but before I tell you more about them, let me take you down memory lane.


Historically, sex toys were the type of things one would find in a filthy dark alley – generally screaming ‘dirty old men’ heavy vibe. The stuff bought would be shoved in a paper bag, hidden to all, the shame and guilt seeping through the quick and heavy steps shuffling the heck out of there. At other times, it would be a bunch of giggly girls rushing through the entrance, blushing all the way as they made their way to the Hens’ night fun corner, the poor victim paying at the counter. They’d pushed ahead of the crimson pack, whilst apologizing a thousand times, justifying their existence in such place by saying ‘just a joke’, ‘my best friend’s getting married’, or ‘definitely not for me!”


If I’m going to be shamefully honest, I remember the first time I was taken to a sex club. It was during a lunch break with work colleagues who thought the trip would be hilarious. It took everything in me not to blow an Aneurysm. I remember pretty much making zero eye contact with anyone, barely glancing at the stuff, refusing to actually look at anything. I might have been in my late 20’s. The second time I went to a sex shop, it was with my good old friend, a super funny gay man. I walked quietly behind him as he strolled the place like he owned it. The third time, it was with my now husband who thought it would be funny to tell the salesperson that we were after a vibrator as mine broke halfway through a session. She nodded like it was genuinely so inconvenient. I wanted to strangle him and scream he was really just making this up (and he was), but I was too stunned to pipe up anything remotely sassy.


In the most recent times, sex shops have taken on a role of educators, with friendly and non-judgmental men and women advising on the things you might enjoy. The good ones are actually lifesavers for some of the couples I work with. They provide toys and items for all kinds and for all demographics; young and old, able and less able, man, woman or non-binary individuals as well as people of all sexual orientations. As a sexologist specializing in supporting couples and individuals in the kink lifestyle, I have always encouraged anyone to check out high quality and safe toys of all kinds, so imagine my surprise when an online sex shop, run by two amazing women asked me for professional advice in ensuring the quality of their advice was clinically sound!


This was an instant Dr Azri seal of approval. Why? Because of their “student corner”, “professional advice corner” and “educational corner”, but also because you have no idea how many of these places give the stupidest, lamest, and most dangerous recommendations to potential buyers, and so when a good one pops up in our own backyard, I sure as hell am going to make sure we grab onto it.


Who is behind Ignight?

Their names are Abby and Natalie, two everyday middle-aged women, who both have families with teenage children. After many discussions over drinks on a girls’ weekend, they discovered that even though many people still love their partners, a number of relationships become lustless and monotonous after a while. For some of the people Abby and Natalie assist, sex had become another chore alongside hanging out the washing. With that in mind, the girls wanted to find a way to get that spark and romance back and to feel sexy again. They then made it their mission to help spice up not only their own relationships but to help others in the same situation. Therefore, the idea of Ignight Me adult sex store was born. They’re definitely more than just a store. Their mission statement is around healthy sexuality and psychoeducation on the topic. They believe knowledge is power and empowerment can be one of the sexiest things out there. Their sexual wellness and information pages helps guides the reader towards self-confidence and an improved your sex life.


Having a family themselves, they provide discrete deliveries, cleaver ways of hiding toys from little prying eyes, as well as an easy-to-access website that caters to anyone looking to bring their romance or confidence to the next level. They are proud to be one of the most thoughtful yet progressive adult store in Australia, thoroughly loving what they do. Their prices are highly competitive and their quality commendable.


I am excited to be chatting to these girls about spreading the message that sex is normal, healthy, and fun and definitely nothing to hide from.


Ignight’s website is filled with interesting information so make sure to stop by!


For anyone requiring clinical sexology (unfortunately, no, sex toys don’t fix everything😁) send me a message now


This Blog is credited to:

Dr Stephanie Azri

Marriage & Relationship Counsellor| Accredited Sexologist | EMDR Therapist | Author


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